A original node N_i can appear on a transformed G* as different nodes. This is the result of the creation of nodes in the transformation processes. Therefore, it is possible that the original node N does not exists on G*, or that multiple N_i* exist. Hence, as all new nodes are generated using a specific structure for the name -compiling all previous nodes names, split by pipe-, this function allows searching for all the N_i* nodes that are equivalente to N_i. This can be used to find shortest paths to all of them.

get_all_nodes(g, originalNode)



A graph in data frame format, translated using one of the available functions.


The name of the original node from G, that needs to be searched within G*. It is preferable to use a character format, but this can also be of any simple type. No lists or vectors are allowed.


A new vector of character type, whose elements are all the N_i* equivalent to the original N node. This also includes the original node.

See also

Other Parsers: direct_graph, parse_vpath


# Given a specific gStar graph: gStar <- data.frame(from = c("u|v", "s|u|v", "s|u", "s", "s", "u", "w", "w", "x", "x", "v", "v", "y", "y", "s", "s|u", "u", "u|v"), to = c("t", "u|v|y", "w", "w", "x", "w", "v", "y", "w", "y", "y", "t", "t", "u", "s|u", "s|u|v", "u|v", "u|v|y"), weight = c(12L, 3L, 5L, 9L, 7L, 5L, 11L, 10L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 12L, 13L, 0L, 8L, 4L, 4L, 3L), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) gStar
#> from to weight #> 1 u|v t 12 #> 2 s|u|v u|v|y 3 #> 3 s|u w 5 #> 4 s w 9 #> 5 s x 7 #> 6 u w 5 #> 7 w v 11 #> 8 w y 10 #> 9 x w 1 #> 10 x y 2 #> 11 v y 3 #> 12 v t 12 #> 13 y t 13 #> 14 y u 0 #> 15 s s|u 8 #> 16 s|u s|u|v 4 #> 17 u u|v 4 #> 18 u|v u|v|y 3
# Obtain all the nodes equivalent to N_i = "v" get_all_nodes(gStar, "v")
#> [1] "u|v" "s|u|v" "v"